Wednesday, November 14, 2007

On This Perfect Day...

Today is Aunt Kelli's birthday. Happy Birthday, Ka-Ka! My family and I celebrated her birthday on Sunday at Ted's. I loved the tortillas.

Even though I'm quite the chunk, I'm still starving. Look at the way I went after the tortillas. I just couldn't eat them quick enough.

Afterwards, we went to Nana and PawPaw's house for dessert.

When it comes to dessert, my family is very stingy and mean. They wouldn't share anything with me. That was not very nice, guys. Oh well, I love you all anyway.

I had so much fun playing with Aunt Kelli and Uncle Chris. Boy, do I love his hair!

Today, I got to eat lunch with Aunt Kelli and Nana. Mommy came along too. I had so much fun. Aunt Kelli, I hope you have a great birthday. I love you bunches! Love, Evie

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Birthday, Joy

Today is the birthday of the newest member of the Brown family. Joy or "Aunt Joy" as Evie calls her. Eliah, Evie's cousin, would have kept the title as the newest , but Joy beat him out when she married my brother-in-law Caleb this past June. She turns 21 today, and we all wish her a happy birthday.

Evie loves spending time with her Aunt Joy.

Evie, Joy, and Caleb at Caleb's graduation party. They were just a month away from their wedding.

Aunt Joy and Evie feeding the animals at Chester's Pumpkin Patch.

Evie loves her aunt and uncle. Happy Birthday, Joy. We love you. Have fun at the Melting Pot. I'm very envious.

Trick or Treat

Yesterday, Evie had her first taste of trick or treating. She couldn't decide which costume to wear so she tried them both on. She liked the pumpkin outfit,

but she really loved the flower costume.

We went to Nana and PawPaw's house to trick or treat,

and instead of candy Evie got her very first Gloworm. She loved it.

She also got to see Aunt Kelli and Uncle Chris, who brought candy for Mommy and Daddy and a Halloween sno-globe for Evie.

All in all, Evie had a blast trick or treating.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

9 Months and Counting

Our little girl, who really isn't that little, celebrated her 9 month birthday not very long ago. It is so incredible how fast the time flies. I feel like each day she is learning something new. We had a doctor appointment this week, and our suspicions were confirmed. Josh and I have a very, very healthy daughter. At 9 months, Evie weighs 21 lbs. 10 oz. and is 29 3/4 in. long. She's a big girl, and we love her!

Fall Festivities

On Sunday, our family went to Chester's Pumpkin Patch for our community group. As you can see, everyone especially Evie had fun.

Evie was not only excited to get a pumpkin, but she also wanted to eat it.

She spent the day feeding the animals with her friend, Kaelyn,

Riding on a saddle,

walking through a mystery maze,

and sliding down a huge slide.

All in all, it was a great day.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Our Little Wiggle Wart

Today when I went to get Evie up from her second nap, this is how I found her.

I don't have any idea how she got to this spot, but it was too funny to pass up capturing. Oh, how we love our little wiggle wart!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Our Trip to Pennsylvania

Here are the pictures I promised. Isn't Pennsylvania beautiful this time of year?

This was Pepaw's first time to see Evie.
Pepaw and Evie both enjoyed a good nap together.

Evie found a new friend to play with at her Pepaw's house.

If you count me taking the above picture, there are four generations here.

Pepaw (Harmon), Evie, Aunt Joy, and my dad - Evie's Pawpaw

Evie received her first set of wings. She did so well on the flight there and back. Here she is just about to see her Daddy after 3 days in Pennsylvania.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Racing for Ruby

Today was the Race for the Cure. For the fifth year in a row, I have either ran or walked in the event. Today I walked the 5K with my mom. We had a great time, and the weather couldn't have been better. The crowd as always was huge. It's an awesome sight to stand at the top of a hill somewhere on the course and look in front and behind you. All you can see are thousands and thousands of people running or walking to fight breast cancer. No matter how hard you try there's no way to see the end or the beginning of the race. My mom and I saw some of the sweetest women walking the 5K. They were probably in their 60s (I'm terrible estimating age.) with curly gray-white hair, and they were survivors. They reminded us so much of Granny Ruby, my mom's mom. If she was alive today, she would have been out there with us walking the entire 5K. I like to imagine that she does walk with us just not physically. We love you, Granny.

Up, Up, and Away

A week ago Evie went for her very first plane ride with Mommy. She did so well even with her 4:00 AM wake-up call when we left. We traveled with my mom, dad, and sister to Pennsylvania to see my Pepaw, Evie's great Pepaw. Although the trip went by so fast, we all had a great time. Pennsylvania is beautiful this time of year. The leaves are all changing from deep greens to bright oranges, reds, and yellows. The weather was also great. We left mid 80s in Oklahoma and enjoyed upper 50s there. It really felt like fall. Hopefully, it will arrive soon in Oklahoma. I miss the cool weather. Everyone just loved on Evie the entire trip especially her Pepaw. While visiting with some family, Pepaw and Evie enjoyed a nap together. It was adoreable. I'll post some pictures as soon as I can.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

A Fun and Exciting Summer Part 1

Every year I feel like each month flies by faster and faster. This summer has been no different. I feel like the past 3 months have been set on warp speed. I just blinked and summer is almost over with fall practically here already. Don't get me wrong I love fall and winter, but this summer has gone by so fast. Starting in June, we've been on five mini-vacations. Each one has been different and full of fun.

Vacation #1 - Caleb and Joy's Wedding in Coppell, TX
Josh's brother got married this past June in Texas. Although it was a very busy weekend, we had so much fun celebrating with Caleb and Joy. Their wedding was so sweet and beautiful. After all the festivities were over, Josh took an extra personal day, and we went to IKEA. We had a blast.

Here are some pics from the wedding.

My silly nephews, Jacob and Adam. They were the ring bearers.

My dad and mom, Merle and Cheryl Blow.

Evie sported a feathered hair bow for the wedding. As you can see, she loves being held by her PawPaw.

A Nice Relaxing Weekend

I love weekends when we're going out and having fun, but nothing beats one that is slow and relaxing. This past Friday, we just hung out at the house. Josh, aka Handy Manny, finished up several projects he had. I did laundry, worked on school stuff, and finished our finances for the month of August. Best of all, we were home all day with Evie. She was so excited to have Daddy all to herself. After every nap, she would greet him with a huge smile and a hug. Later that evening, Josh and I watched a movie after we put Evie to bed. It was a great ending to a great day. Today has been really nice as well. Our great achievements have been ironing, watching OU beat Miami, and playing with Evie. Nothing fast paced or super exciting, but oh so nice and relaxing.

Our littlest OU fan was ready to cheer the Sooners on to victory thanks to a gift from her PawPaw.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jog

Finally, we're all back together again. Evie and I have been surviving by ourselves while Josh was away on a mission's trip. He arrived last night after a week in Haiti.

Josh had a great time, and later this week he'll share some of his experiences. To keep ourselves from missing Josh and Daddy, Evie and I stayed very busy. We ate lunch with Nana and Aunt Kelli on Monday, dinner with Janet, Kylie, Alicia, Izze, and Ian on Tuesday, lunch with our Mom's group on Wednesday, and lunch with Aunt Rebecca, Jacob, Adam, and Eliah on Thursday. We love eating out. On Friday, Evie got to see her friends, Kylie, Izze, Ian, Charli, and Chloe, at the park.

She had a great time despite the look on her face. By this time, she was very ready to see her Daddy again, and she was also a little sleepy.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

10 Things About Me

Several of my friends have been tagged to share 10 things about themselves on their blog. So, I decided to join them and share 10 very random and potentially embarrassing things about myself. Here goes.

1. I met my amazing husband at a K-Love New Year's Eve Dance. He was the very hot "Vest Guy" that I spotted across the room.
2. I talk to my mom and sister almost every day.
3. I once lost my retainer at Braum's. In order to find it, my family had to dig through the trash in their dumpster. People drove by asking if we were hungry. It was so much fun. (Please hear the sarcasm in my voice.)
4. I'm fluent in Spanish. Soy biligue - no triligue. Puedo hablar muy bien espanol y un pocito de italiano. Y mi hermana siempre me burla cuando diga la palabra "flauta."
5. I once touched a curling iron to the bridge of my nose because I wanted to know what it felt like hot.
6. Sometimes I lack common sense.
7. I love teaching, but I hate the planning part of it. I think that's why I enjoy teaching the 2nd - 5th graders at People's Church. I still have to prepare, but thankfully I don't have to create lesson plans.
8. My daughter is named after my grandmother and my great-grandmother. Evelyn is the middle name of my Great-Grandma Fulton on my mom's side. Jeanine is the first name of my Grammy on my dad's side.
9. One year at Turner Falls Youth Camp, all of the girls in my room, including myself, put pantyhose on our heads for the talent show and sang "Put on the garment of praise..." Who knows what we were thinking!
10. I can pick things up with my toes. Pencils, clothes, Evie's toys, the remote control. My sister says I'm the reason why schools teach that humans evolved from apes. Thanks, Kelli!

Now I tag Josh, Kelli, Rebecca, Joy, my mom, and Elizabeth Germann.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Catch Up Time

Since I just jumped into the blogging arena, I'm somewhat behind on recording all of Evie's growth. So here is a small snapshot of our baby girl from day 1 until today six months later.
I am on the back row fourth from the left. This was taken at my sister-in-law's baby shower the day before Evie was born.

After an unexpected C-section, Evelyn (Evie) Jeanine Brown arrived on January 21, 2007 weighing in at 7 lbs and 1 oz.

Our little girl loved being swaddled. It wasn't too long before Josh and I became experts at the burrito wrap.

By two months, Evie was already showing us her personality and... she could stick out her tongue.

At 3 months, she was all smiles until...

...Mommy and Daddy started singing.

Four months pass and Evie finally enjoys bathtime.

The month of June brought lots of excitement to the Brown household - Evie's 5th month birthday, her first trip, her first wedding, and her first taste of solid food.

July has arrived, and Evie is now 6 months old. The time has flown by so fast, but at the same time it feels as though Evie has been with us forever. I love you my little princess!