Thursday, October 25, 2007

Our Little Wiggle Wart

Today when I went to get Evie up from her second nap, this is how I found her.

I don't have any idea how she got to this spot, but it was too funny to pass up capturing. Oh, how we love our little wiggle wart!


the rushes of OKC said...

Love the pictures of Evie. So cute! It is funny how they get in some of the positions they get in. Ian is all over the place.

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

How precious and beautiful. I'm simply overjoyed you both have the guts and tenacity (I guess those two are pretty much the same) to raise her to worship the Trinity, thus, ascend after her death.

But, yet, the world, with alla the planet's problems, throws up many, many roadblocks which could take your sweet daughter from following the path. Satan's a sly, smooth, seducing mutha.

So, that's why I wanna introduce you both to my trilogy. Now, before you turn me off or say, "He's an oddball. Stay away from him," I'm head-injured. "More reason." HeeHee. I see your point. But, yet, I have been gifted from above withe more-fantastic-penmanship... Take a lookit...

I'd like you to check-out my insane, efficacious, avant-garde, kick-ass trilogy...
and buy one of my novels (you’ll also find my photo on the back cover of REDUNDANT ):

--> <--

If we don’t meet here,
I'll see you in God’s Great Beyond, won't I?
God bless you.