Evie has been providing us with lots of laughs lately. Her most recent escapade involves small spaces. I've noticed that the more mobile Evie becomes the more she likes to climb into diaper boxes, book boxes, TV boxes, and even the dog crate. All perfectly harmless places to discover even with the extra germs provided by our dog Christmas in his crate. That is until she found her newest hiding place.

On Monday, I had given Evie a bath and was cleaning up her toys and towels from the bathroom. From the living room, I heard a clanging sound. I knew I had shut all the doors to the bedrooms and the laundry room. The only place left for Evie to roam was the living room. Quickly, I racked my brain for the source of the sound, but I couldn't think of anything that would clang. Then I thought of it - the doors to the fireplace. I raced from the bathroom into the living room to discover my climber on her hands and knees in our fireplace. It was not long before Evie realized in no uncertain terms that the fireplace was not a good place to explore. At that moment all I could think about was getting Evie quickly out of the fireplace. I didn't want her to think it was okay to play there. Afterwards, though, I secretly wished I would have had my camera handy. It would have made a most hilarous picture.
Not a day goes by that Evie doesn't provide us with some kind of laughs.
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