Friday, October 3, 2008

The Busy Browns

The month of September has been full of fun and excitement for the Browns. Here is just a peek at some of our adventures.

Growing, Growing, Growing - It seems like every day that Evie and Emmitt are changing. Emmitt is no longer the tiny newborn I took home from the hospital, and Evie is no longer my baby girl. Emmitt has now entered the smiling and cooing baby stage, and Evie has become my big girl toddler. It's exciting to see them grow, but I just wish I could occasionally pause it or at least set it on slow play.

OCCC Arts Festival-Evie really enjoyed playing in the sand.

A quick snack

Making a bracelet with Daddy

Emmitt enjoying a little rest. Notice the pink pac. I left his very manly Dallas Cowboy pac in the car so he had to settle for Evie's pink one. (It was clean, though.)

A Day at the Zoo with Nana-Evie loved the animal choo-choo.

Rainbow watching with Daddy after a rain storm.

2008 Oklahoma State Fair

Our big girl looking at some baby piglets.

A look at Chris and Kelli's future

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feel good......