Friday, May 22, 2009

My Mini Messy Marvin

We have a new Messy Marvin on our hands. Emmitt has recently begun eating regular food by himself, and he loves it. He loves it so much that he makes it very difficult when I try to spoon feed him anything. So one day I just decided to plop a spoonful of oatmeal and cottage cheese on his tray. The following pictures are from that day.

Christmas was really excited about Emmitt's mess. So excited that he decided to...

help me clean up. He's our organic vacuum cleaner and garbage disposal. Who needs a compost pile when you have a dog.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nana and Papaw Time

Evie and Emmitt love spending time with Nana and Papaw. Here are a few pictures from Easter and Mother's Day.

I love this picture of my mom and Evie.

For Easter Nana, Papaw, and I took the kiddos to the Orr Family Farm. Everyone had such a great time.

Notice the gigantic bite of carrot cake. Emmitt definitely loves eating.

For Mother's Day, we went to the Cheesecake Factory. Of course the food was great, but the company was even better.

Outside Fun

The other day it was so nice and warm. So, Evie and I decided to pull out the sprinkler and the wading pool. She had so much fun.

Working hard on her Dora car.

I love the blue sky in the background.

Brother and Sisterly Love

Evie and Emmitt are really starting to enjoy each other's company. Here are a few pictures of the two.

Evie can always make her little brother laugh.

Evie trying to show Emmitt her book. Typically Evie does not run around the house in only a diaper, but this day she was trying out her new big girl panties.

Daddy orchestrated this picture. From an early age, he's tried to instill in them a love for God, each other, and the Dallas Cowboys.

Car Conversations

If you were a fly in my car today, you would have overheard the following conversation.

Evie - "Mommy, I need a drink of apple juice."

Mommy - "Sorry, sweetie. Mommy forgot your apple juice at the house. We can get some water at the restaurant."

Evie - "That's okay, Mommy. We can stop at Sonic and get an apple juice. That would be easy."

Sometimes I think there's a way older person in her little body. And yes, my daughter knows all about Sonic. She can even point them out to you. That's my girl!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Funny Faces

Evie is always the queen of funny faces. So, I thought that I'd share a few.

Isn't this a nice face for Easter Sunday?

I think she tasted something gross here.

Mother's Day at the Cheesecake factory.

Even Biggie is beginning to make funny faces. Of course, it helped that his mouth was stuffed full of carrot cake.