Monday, February 9, 2009

Catching Up

It's crazy how time flies by. It doesn't seem possible that it's already February. Surely Christmas and New Years were only yesterday. And there's certainly no way that Emmitt is almost 7 months old. He's growing up so fast. Here's a glimpse at the last few months with our "Biggie."

Enjoying tummy time. Notice the pink burp rag. Since Emmitt's so secure in his manhood, we still use Evie's burp rags.

Lounging on Mommy and Daddy's bed in his Christmas outfit.

All smiles on Christmas morning.

He loves making noises with his lips.


the rushes of OKC said...

So cute. I can't believe it has already been 7 months. Time goes too fast. He has such a cute smile. I love the last two pictures. Priceless moments. And Miss Evie, and the doggie water, she knows Christmas likes it, so why not. LOL It seems there was a dog food moment too, wasn't there? If we still had our dogs, I'm sure I would have some stories to tell. haha

Tiffany Cooper said...

1st let me say that I am thrilled to see your new blog entries. Secondly, your little man is so cute. They so grow so fast!