Lots of changes have taken place in the Brown household. First and foremost, we are expecting a baby boy this summer. In July, Emmitt David Brown will make our family of three grow to four. He was somewhat of a surprise, but a great surprise at that. Currently, I'm 23 weeks and feeling very good. Only 17 more weeks to go!
Our next exciting event occurred at the end of February. Josh and I decided to move a little farther south to be close to my parents and sister. So on Valentine's Day, we closed on our new home. Although it has been busy packing and unpacking, it has all been worth it. I love our new home, and I love being close to Nana, PawPaw, Aunt KeKE, and Uncle Chris.
Evie's personality has really begun to shine lately. This is always great, but at some times it does create more work for Mommy. She has also become quite the chatterbox. Usually, though, we can only decipher a word or two out of the entire conversation she has with us. Right now, her favorite words are baby, "Melmo" aka Elmo, meow meow, and Chris.

Lounging time with Daddy while watching Baby Einstein.

Evie was really excited to find a baby in the oven door and decided to give it kisses. Even though the "baby" looked just like her, she never realized it was her reflection.
Whenever you visit our new home, you'll notice that the toilet paper in the guest bathroom now sits on the counter. This is for Mommy's sanity just in case I forget to shut the door again.

Evie enjoying a nice sunny day at the zoo with her cousins Caleb and McKenna. She had a blast at the playground.